Eastbourne Allotments and Garden Society

The trustees were delighted to be able support the Eastbourne Allotment and Garden Society in creating raised beds withn the Manor Road Allotment.

Louise Elms the allotment manager said
“Thank you so much for the donation to help us create raised beds on our Manor Road allotment site.  These beds have now all been allocated to tenants and are growing well.  The beds are for use by those who are unable to manage a traditional allotment, either due to their physical or mental health.  One bed has been taken by a lovely man called Steve, who had a traditional plot for many years but his poor health meant he had to give up.  He missed the social side of having an allotment so much he took on a raised bed and has become good friends with another raised bed holder.  They now take it in turns to water each other’s plants.  Another new tenant is a mother and son, Carol and Adam.  Carol has mobility issues and Adam has Downs Syndrome.  They wouldn’t be able to manage a large plot but love their raised beds.  They even chose the colour and painted the new shed that I and a couple of volunteers erected one very hot, sunny July afternoon.”

To find out more  about the Eastbourneallotments and Garden Society please visit their  website


